Antiviral Drug-Screening and Resistance Hub

Combining skills, expertise and facilities to respond to high consequence viruses.

CRUSH Antiviral Drug-Screening and Resistance Hub is a fully integrated hub dedicated to accelerating antiviral therapeutic discovery for high consequence viruses.

Established in partnership with LifeArc, CRUSH strives to address pandemic preparedness within the globally renowned MRC - University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR), providing access to the specialist knowledge and facilities of the CVR for partners in all sectors of industry and academia.

CRUSH has both the infrastructure and expertise to take the initial in vitro screening of antiviral compounds through to functional studies and on to pre-clinical animal models for efficacy evaluation of promising candidates.

Our Services

  • Compound Screening

    Our pipelines provide in vitro assays to screen and assess novel and existing compounds for their antiviral potential (or activity) against viruses, including new and emerging pathogens.

  • Small Animal Models

    We currently provide in vivo antiviral drug efficacy evaluation studies in mouse and Syrian hamster models, with plans to acquire further preclinical models to provide the broadest possible range of preclinical services.

  • Combination, Kinetic and Resistance Assays

    Our team can provide an in-depth assessment of drug resistance acquisition in high-consequence viruses.

  • Rescue and Genetic Modification of Viruses

    We use modern reverse genetics and related recombinant technologies to recover and generate wild-type and genetically modified infectious viruses.

  • Custom Services

    With access to our state-of-the-art facilities and scientific expertise, we have the capability to find solutions for your specific project needs.

Meet the Team

  • Arvind Patel

    Professor of Viral Vaccinology

  • Diogo Correa Mendonca

    Research Associate

  • Claire MacDonald

    CRUSH Business Development & Liaison Manager

  • Vanessa Herder

    Vet Experimental Pathologist

Contact us

Do you have further questions, or perhaps an enquiry about custom services? Contact us now to find out how we can help.
We’ll typically respond within 48 hours.
