Our People
Our staff have diverse research and professional backgrounds, mirroring CRUSH’s commitment to interdisciplinary excellence. Our research and technical staff are experienced with numerous viruses, molecular biology, cell biology, immunology, antiviral assays, microscopy, cell line generation and animal handling. Outside of the laboratory we have staff members with extensive experience of working with industry and project management.
Additionally, we have access to the full academic excellence of the CVR, including more than 25 principal investigators and experts in a variety of virus systems.
Meet the Team
Arvind Patel
Professor of Viral Vaccinology
Professor Patel is the academic lead for collaborative projects in CRUSH.
Consulting and advising on research projects. Overseeing scientific, data quality and CRUSH management. -
Up until recently Professor Patel’s research group mainly studied flaviviruses such as hepatitis C virus, Zika virus, yellow fever virus and louping ill virus. Their current research is largely focused on SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses, particularly in the areas of virus-host interactions, virus-associated pathogenesis, and/or evaluation of novel preventative and therapeutic pipelines against viral diseases.
Professor Patel’s primary areas of investigation include understanding different aspects of flavivirus-host cell interactions and virus neutralizing antibodies and their mode of action with a view to informing vaccine design. More recently, he expanded his research interests to studying SARS-CoV-2, specifically utilizing reverse genetics approaches to study the phenotypic impact of mutations that arise in emerging viral variants and perform efficacy evaluations of antiviral compounds in both in vitro and in vivo settings.
Marion McElwee
Research Support
Marion provides technical support to the CRUSH team.
Marion has an Honours degree in Biology, PhD in plant pathology, 10 years in Postdoctoral research in Virology. Following this, Marion moved to a technical role supporting research in the MRC Virology Unit and subsequently the CVR.
Marion’s areas of expertise include cell culture, drug screens, and most aspects of molecular virology.
Karen Kerr
Research Support
Karen is a Research Support Technician. She provides technical assistance for in vivo research and contribute to the in vitro research programme working within both a CL2 and CL3 laboratory setting.
Karen graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University in 1999 with a 2.1 BSc (hons) degree in Applied Biosciences and began her career as an Experimental Officer at Covance Laboratories in North Yorkshire, working within the Genetic and Molecular Toxicology Department.
Karen then moved to academia, working as a Research Support Technician for the Medical Research Council at the Human Reproductive Sciences Unit in Edinburgh. She researched spermatogonial stem cell transplantation as a possible treatment for infertility in male childhood cancer survivors.
As part of her Research Support role, helping to investigating oestrogen receptor dynamics in the human reproductive system, Karen was responsible for maintaining both primary and secondary cell lines, infecting cells with adenoviral and lentiviral constructs and performing both FRET and FRAP techniques using a meta-confocal microscope.
At the CVR, Karen provided research support to Professor Andrew Davison investigating correlations between Human Cytomegalovirus genome variation and pathogenesis. She was redeployed to the CRUSH group when the pandemic hit in 2020.
Karen has over 20 years of experience in the use of a variety of lab techniques including the use of small animal models in research. As a result, she has been able to provide technical support to both the in vivo and in vitro research work of the CRUSH group into the SARS-CoV-2 virus and will also be involved in monkeypox virus studies in the future.
Lois Mason
Marketing and Communications Officer
Claire MacDonald
Business Development & Liaison Manager
Claire joined CRUSH towards the end of 2021 and is responsible for business development activates and external relationships with partners from industry and academic organisations.
Claire is an experienced Business Development Manager with over 10 years experience working in the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors. She has an MSci in Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Organic Chemistry from The University of Glasgow.
Claire has experience in product management, business development, account management and product marketing in both academic and industrial environments.
Lois manages the social media and marketing strategy for CRUSH. She maintains the website and develops essential resources.
Lois has a BSc (Hons) in Immunology from the University of Glasgow. Following graduation, Lois started working as an Engagement and Communications Officer at the CVR.
Lois’s areas of expertise include digital communication and marketing, graphic design and translating scientific concepts into interesting and engaging resources.
Liam O’Connor
Research Support
Liam is a research technician supporting CRUSH’s in vitro drug screening platform
Liam graduated with a BSc Hons in microbiology in 2019 from Glasgow Caledonian University and was subsequently hired as a research assistant at the university. Working at GCU for 3 years undertaking various virology based projects then later joined ThermoFisher Scientific as a qPCR and CE consumables specialist enabling customer research and helping optimise their molecular biology workflows. Then returned to academic research where he undertook a Master’s degree at the University of Strathclyde formulating and manufacturing lipid nanoparticles to support drug delivery and scale-up of local vaccine manufacture.
Liam has experience in an array of molecular biology techniques, including assay design and optimisation as well as development and manufacture of lipid-based delivery systems for oligonucleotide therapeutics.
Vanessa Herder
Vet Experimental Pathologist
Vanessa is an experimental pathologist within CRUSH. She performs pathology-related experiments and analysis.
Vanessa has a background in veterinary pathology.
How a virus infection shapes tissue-specific and systemic inflammation; Vanessa’s work focuses on how host-specific immune reactions contribute to a mild versus a severe clinical outcome and eventually to death.
Melanie Ferguson
Administrative Assistant
Melanie provides administrative support for the CRUSH team.
Melanie has worked for the CVR since 2017 and is responsible for providing professional and confidential administrative support to all staff including research staff and postgraduate students within the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR).
Melanie has had many years’ experience working in customer focused organisations and administrative roles both in industry and academic environments.
Diogo Correa Mendonca
Research Associate
Diogo is responsible for the design and development of new in vitro virus-based assays and for developing and testing our small animal models of infection and performing in vivo drug screenings on behalf of clients.
Diogo graduated in Biological Sciences in 2014 and completed his MScs and PhD in microbiology, focusing on Virology. His projects were related to understanding of different arboviruses, including DENV, ZIKV, YFV AND MAYV, as use of different compounds as possible antivirals in both in vivo and in vitro models.
Diogo has worked with different viruses and has developed antiviral assays for them through his career. Diogo’s main research focus is to use knowledge of virus characteristics and his main area of interest is using knowledge of virus characteristics and virus host interactions to screen, study and test different compounds that can have antiviral properties.
Leah is involved in the development of reverse genetic systems to generate recombinant viruses and establishing model systems to study high containment viruses.
Leah graduated with an MSci in Virology from the University of Glasgow and completed her PhD in Virology at the University of Cambridge. During this time, Leah worked on Human Cytomegalovirus, where she characterised protein degradation during infection and identified host proteins with novel antiviral activity.
Leah has experience with a range of viruses, cell culture-based assays and molecular biology techniques. During her PhD, Leah used proteomic techniques to study protein stability during infection and to investigate virus-host interactions.
Leah Hunter
Research Associate